Thursday, April 15, 2010


It happened on April 2nd 2010. Good Friday. A GREAT Friday if you ask me! J asked me that question that I've been playing out in my head for the last seven years and my first words were, "is this a joke?!" ... guess I need to get a handle on my word vomit. Obviously "ummm, OF COURSE!!" was quick to follow.

I'm extremely blog OBSESSED! Constantly searching for inpiration on interiors, fashion, and ...weddings for a few years now. You would NOT believe how many photos I have saved to catagorized inspiration folders.

I need a place to share this inspiration (Lord knows I'll never be able to use it all.) But more importantly, I need a place to savor every moment leading up to our wedding. If you ask anyone who knows me, I'm get stressed out waaay too easily! I don't want my wedding planning to be like that. I want to enjoy every moment, every decision, every dollar spent... thus, this blog is born...

(ahh born!! can't wait till we can start popping out some babies... I mean... I can WAIT, but... eh, you get it.)

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