Friday, August 27, 2010

11 months to go ... sort of...

Well i guess I did try to post last month. I started drafting this post on July 18th (our actual "eleven months to go" anniversary), but then I decided I'd rather spend every minute I could with my boyfriend, and I put the blogging on hold... here's what I started to write:

Today we are exactly 11 months away from our wedding date and I feel like I need to acknowledge it somewhere aside from my facebook page (I love my future husband but I don't need to start annoying people with status updates just yet) We have been celebrating with a lovely 4 mile run, moving Jason out of his former apartment, and pizza. Just being alone together made the day perfect.

... and that's it... but re-reading over a month later helped me to remember a day that was so simple and fun for the two of us. I have to post so it's permantly saved in our lovely internet history... :)

Thursday, August 26, 2010


reed fish inspired me in so many ways tonight.

first, I netflixed the movie "I'm Reed Fish" (via instant streaming on the Wii, don't know what I'd do without it.)
obviously step 2 would be me googling Reed Fish the person (who wrote the film... inspired by his actual life)
through google I was lead to his webpage, where he and his wife, Liz ( - - man it's a little creepy how much you can learn through google) post elements of their artistic life - photography, videos...

this series of portraits especially caught my attention.

here are a few from "Here There"

check the rest out if you're interested.

now, i know i seem to be turning EVERYTHING into wedding talk lately... and I really don't want to strip the genius of these photos... but seriously. . . Couldn't this make an interesting concept for an engagement shoot? sure you could add some fun props, but the photos from two different perspectives alone could tell an awesome story about someone and their significant other... 

just thinking.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

speaking of cake...

... these fabulous cake paintings were featured on design sponge today.

can't decide if I'd rather eat them or hang them on my wall...

artwork by jordan and paul ferney

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


... how did i miss it? my birth-month and I fail to document a single thing?! well here's what I intended to post on my birthday...

some of my favorite inspriational cakes.

52 days later.